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Saving The Trees

I’m Anna last year I started a small farm named Golden Web in Portugal that we've made into a healing retreat, we being a handful of volunteers who live here too. It is a place of peace and transformation, connecting our guests directly with nature and creating community for a better Earth. 


I’ve poured my savings and more into Golden Web, cleaning, painting, renovating and furnishing it to make it into a beautiful retreat for guests. The fields were empty as the land hasn't been cultivated in decades. We now have a flourishing permaculture garden. But our empty field begged for trees and our wishes were granted. 


Our carpenter introduced us to an avocado farmer who has no use for his olive trees. He said if we could move them, we could have them. Relocating the trees required heavy equipment, a digger to excavate them and also to prepare holes for replanting them, as well as a small crane to hoist them up. They weighed over a ton each with roots and some protective soil. We also needed a large trunk to transport them to us. For all this, they estimated it would cost $8000, an amount that just wasn’t in our budget.


Where will we get the money, we wondered, and then thought, how about if people sponsored a tree or even part of a tree?


We thought we’d add each sponsor’s name to a tree beside on a marker with a hand-written wish. We'll also email a photo update each year for two years as the trees take root and flourish in their new home. We’re about reciprocity and this was the best way we thought to repay the generosity. If you would like to help us rescue more trees your sponsorship will regenerate bare land and create a memory as long-lasting as the life of your eponymous olive tree that can live for a few thousand years! We hope you join us.


With love, Anna

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